Saturday, March 17, 2007


Just if you wonder who I am,
I'm Azrin the Geek, A Father,Son,Husband,,councellor, Mat Rempit and much more.
Right now I am DevCon 3, meaning Operation Smoke Out is coming soon,that is after I prepare for Operation Dessert Storm. Cos Dessert Storm is a Weapon of Mass Distraction. Distract the servers so we all get a good link up!

My last exercise, was a success with a little perk up boost on my Technorati. Yes. It does the trick. Sweets for everyone.

So, if you want more sweets, watch out for my next code on SEO Engineering 101.


Mas Light said...

*waves..halo~ thanks for visiting my blog

uc4n2 said...

Hey there! Check out today! We are running a contest for bloggers. We are giving away a brand new Video iPod!

eastcoastlife said...

You are in Penang? Now? How come didn't tell me? hehe....

Nice to see you again, brudder!